O JornalDentistry em 2016-6-02


Craniomandibular Orthodontics - Porto

Realiza-se nos dias 5 e 8 de junho no Porto o curso “Craniomandibular Orthodontics” com direção do Prof. Sadao Sato em associação com a SPODF (Sociedade Portuguesa de Ortopedia Dento-Facial).


Informações:  meetingortodontiafuncional@gmail.com

O curso tem uma duração de 14 horas.

Local: Sala Room: B BLACK - BessaHotel Boavista Rua Dr.Marques de carvalho, 111 4100-325 Porto Portugal

8h20– 9h00: registration (1st day)
9h00–10h30: lectures
10h30–11h00: coffee break
11h00–12h30: lectures
12h30–14h00: almoço / lunch
14h00–15h30: lectures
15h30–16h00: coffee break
16h00–17h30: lectures

Conteúdo programático:

Mandibular Growth and VD-OP in Homo Sapience:
•Theories and concepts of malocclusion:  What is malocclusion?
•The importance of the occlusal plane and the posterior vertical dimension in the establishment and treatment of malocclusion
•The role of the posterior discrepancy in the development of malocclusion

Development and characterization of class III malocclusion:
•Treatment of class III (hypodivergent and hyperdivergent)
•Treatment of open bite
•Early treatment of class III
•Cranial-mandibular dynamics of the development of mandibular lateral deviation (MLD)

Class II Problems in Homo Sapience:
•Development and characterization of class II malocclusion
•Early treatment of class II
•Treatment of class II in adults
•The issue of premolar extraction in class II
•The problem of class III and open bite in Homo Sapiens

The craniofacial complex and its dysfunction:
•The craniomandibular system (CMS)
•Mechanisms of adaptation, compensation and decompensation
•Orthodontic treatment of malocclusions with dysfunction of the cranio-mandibular system

Occlusion: current concepts:
•Stress Management of the Masticatory Organ as a Foundation of Occlusion Concepts
•Description and biomechanical principles of the arches
•Sequential Functional Guidance Occlusion

Mechanics used in Malocclusion Treatment:
•DAW (double arch wire)
•MOAW (modified offset archwire)
•MEAW (multiloop edgewise archwire

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