O JornalDentistry em 2022-6-16
Organizado pela Federação Europeia de Periodontologia (EFP), o EuroPerio1o realiza-se de 15 a 18 de junho no Bella Centro de Copenhaga na Dinamarca.
O EuroPerio, the leading congress in periodontics and implant dentistry, is usually held triennially, but had to be
postponed last year because of the pandemic. EuroPerio1o has an impressive speaker line-up ofmore than 130 experts
from over 30 countries who will cover the latest trends in periodontics and implant dentistry and their connection with with
other dental and medical disciplines.
Mais de 1/3 dos pais afirmam que os seus filhos tiveram problemas dentários relacionados com hábitos de higiene oral