O JornalDentistry em 2017-8-31


FDI World Dental Federation -Estudo Oral Hygiene and Maternity Outcomes Multicenter (OHMOM)

Foram hoje apresentadas algumas novas descobertas no Congresso da FDI World Dental Federation em Madrid, que aumenta ainda mais a preocupação com a saúde oral durante a gravidez.

Dr. Mariano Sanz, da Universidade Complutense, Madrid e Presidente do Comitê do Workshop da EFP

Conduzido e apresentado pelo Dr. Robert Gerlach, pesquisador em Investigação Clínicas da P & G, a pesquisa mostra que a gengivite afeta muito mais mulheres grávidas do que se pensava anteriormente, com quase todas as mulheres grávidas universalmente sendo afetadas e a ocorrência e gravidade  excedendo substancialmente os valores  médiaos nacionais dos EUA.

O estudo  Oral Hygiene and Maternity Outcomes Multicenter (OHMOM), realizado pela Universidade da Pensilvânia e pela Universidade do Alabama - Birmingham, com o apoio da Procter & Gamble (P & G), descobriu um início substancial da doença em amplos subgrupos demográficos e socioeconômicos,  começando no primeiro trimestre da gravidez.

Como resultado disso e revisando toda a pesquisa sobre gravidez e saúde oral a l Oral-B e EFP colaboraram para educar e apoiar as mães grávidas em todo o mundo, bem como profissionais de saúde e medicina dentária, introduzindo diretrizes para pacientes e profissionais. Estas diretrizes foram apresentados pelo professor Dr. Mariano Sanz, da Universidade Complutense de Madrid e presidente do comitê de workshop da EFP

A Oral-B também está a apresentar  o NOVO Oral-B Gum & Esmalte, creme denta reparador, adequado para dentes sensíveis e gengivas, para ajudar os pacientes a enfrentar a crescente prevalência de problemas de gengiva ou esmalte.


Mais informações:

Estudo: Oral Hygiene and Maternity Outcomes Multicenter (OHMOM)

Oral-B Gum & Enamel Repair - Novo gel  e pasta de dentes para reparação de esmalte da Oral-B.


- Dr. Robert Gerlach, pesquisador em pesquisas clínicas da P & G

Dr. Gerlach is Research Fellow in Global Oral Care at The Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio USA, where he responsible for clinical trials research on oral care product safety and effectiveness worldwide.  His clinical trials research includes initiatives in the areas of caries prevention, periodontal therapy and esthetic dentistry. Dr. Gerlach is recognized as a leading clinical researcher in tooth whitening, with contributions to novel delivery systems, dentifrice development and clinical methods.  His recent research focuses on the public health implications of daily oral hygiene and relationships between oral diseases and overall health.  Dr. Gerlach is Adjunct Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics and Operative Dentistry (Research Administration) at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts USA.  Dr. Gerlach holds various technology and methods patents, and his research has been reported in more than 300 manuscripts and published abstracts.  

- Dr. Mariano Sanz, da Universidade Complutense, Madrid e Presidente do Comitê do Workshop da EFP


Prof. Dr. Mariano Sanz 

Prof Mariano Sanz received his MD and DDS degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He then completed his graduate training in Periodontology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Additionally, he is Doctor in Medicine (PhD Degree) from the University Complutense of Madrid. 

Professor Mariano Sanz is the author of more than 220 scientific articles and book chapters and participates extensively in international lectures, courses and seminars in Periodontology, Implant Dentistry and Dental Education. He is Associate Editor of the Scientific Journal Evidence-Based Dental Practice and Journal of Clinical Periodontology, and also a Member of the Editorial Committee of the following Scientific Journals: Journal of Periodontal Research, Clinical Oral Implant Research, Journal of Dental Research, Oral Diseases, Clinical Oral Investigations and Journal de Parodontologie.

Here is an overview of Prof. Sanz’s experience:


¥    Specialist in Stomatology. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
¥    Specialist in Periodontology. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
¥    Honorary Doctorate Degree by the Universities of San Sebastian in Santiago de Chile and Goteborg University in Sweden and Coimbra in Portugal
¥    Professor of Periodontology. Universidad Complutense de Madrid 
¥    Director of the EFP Accredited Postgraduate Programme “Master in Periodontology”. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
¥    Past - Dean of the Faculty of Odontology. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
¥    Past - President of the European Conference of Dental Deans (ADEE)
¥    Past - Secretary General of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP)
¥    Past - President of the Spanish Society of Periodontology (SEPA)
¥    Past - President of the Pan European Region (PER) of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR-CED)



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